2021 Lockdown
We have made the decision to go to CALL & COLLECT ONLY for SATURDAYS ONLY. This means on Saturdays there are no walk-in orders (even just for a coffee). Every order (no matter how small) has to be pre ordered over the phone. Phone lines will open at 8am on Saturday (cafe opens at 8:30 for collections) where we can give you a pick-up time to come and collect. Payments can be taken over the phone or at the cafe on arrival. Menu on our website (link in bio). We will be spacing collection times out so please arrive on time.
Although our current style of service complies with current Government guidelines this decision is with the aim of keeping our staff and customers as safe as possible and to try to reduce the amount of people outside the cafe on a Saturday at any one time.
Tues – Fri we will carry on accepting walk-in orders (as we are usually much quieter on these days) but please try to call ahead where possible!
We are a small family run business trying our best to navigate these tricky times, whilst still giving the public a little bit of normality to these periods of lockdown. Thank you in advance 

Please place your order on the day by calling 0191 2893465
172 Park View, Whitley Bay NE26 3QW
0191 289 3465
Tuesday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday 8:30am - 4:00pm