About Us

Who are we?

This website and associated social media feeds were created by a group of local businesses at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, with the help of Newcastle Building Society, seed funding from local business chambers and North Tyneside Council. The bulk of funding and resource has been provided by the founding partners and businesses.

Why Buy Local North Tyneside?

The website has been built for the long term benefit and success of both the residential and business communities from across the whole of North Tyneside. 

It is not limited to these chamber members and our aim is that the communities of North Tyneside find this site helps to stay safe, stay local and stay connected whilst buying local. 

Welcome to our digital high street!

The website  provides a directory of businesses operating in the borough of North Tyneside, so that residents, those in business and visitors can have a simple method of knowing what is available, where and when.  

We encourage everyone to Buy Local where possible!

In particular, we are very keen to assist in the regeneration of our town centres and high streets, which, like those in many towns in the country, have seen a decline in business over the last few years, following the financial crash of 2008 and the many changes in shopping habits since then.  So, in addition to being a facility for businesses to raise their profile and for others to find them, you will find information dedicated to the broader aspects and attractions of town centres and high streets; also details of events, heritage sites, parks, walks and other items of interest to the community. 

How did we start Buy Local North Tyneside?

Essentially, this is a further development of the Open for Business List that the three chambers had been producing during the COVID-19 lockdown period. This then expanded and brought all of the information into one place, with a lot of telephone resource being used to contact businesses directly to determine their availability etc. Currently this list is arranged by town and, of course, shows only those businesses open at that date of publication. Ongoing maintenance will be taking place over coming months to update existing listings.

This website is intended to be more encompassing and more useful for businesses and those using them. 

Our aim is for it to cover as many active businesses in the borough as wish to be involved. 

What are the costs for businesses and why join?

The site provides free space for all businesses whether currently online or not to describe itself and to detail any key information. For those with websites it provides a link directly to the main website. 

So for those who do not have their own websites to have greater access to the online marketplace. For those who do a greater audience from this one central site.

The site is searchable in three ways: by business name; by business type and by town or village. And there is an easy to navigate map. 

Please contact us if:

• You would like your business to be included on the website or want to make changes to your entry;

• You would like to add something to the community page;

• You have any comments on the site